Monday, 12 November 2012

Vox Pop Update

This Wednesday is going to be a busy day for us at the Palace I believe.

Anneli really wants us to get on with the Vox Pop project and so I have been busy moving things on.
We have thrown ideas around and have come to the general conclusion that we need to talk to Sarah Moore to find out what she wants to do with the video once it's ready to go online. We have discussed how long we want the interviews to be - I know Sara looked into some on youtube and got relatively bored after roughly two minutes. This seems logical.
I would quite like to do two or three videos:

  • One with the videos of each volunteer role.
  • One as a walking tour of the grounds where we casually bump into other volunteers and interview them there.
  • One with all the volunteers in saying what they enjoy most about their role/why they chose the Palace in the first place.
Our first interview is going to be with Taras who is our own special supporting role as he knows us relatively well and understands the project so it won't matter if it takes forever or if there are any mistakes.
We are hoping to do this either November 21st or 28th depending on which date is best for him and I have emailed him with a list of questions to think about:
  • Your role in general, What are your main duties?
  • What you enjoy most about your position/your favourite part of a volunteering day.
  • Why you volunteered for the Palace in the first place?
  • How easy was the application process?
  • What has the Palace done for you/do you feel supported?
I started with the basic questions so they don't seem too daunting for him. After we talk to Sarah on Wednesday and find out what she wants out of the film then I may email him again with some further detailed questions. I have also asked him to think about any funny little anecdotes we may be able to use in the film. These could be used within the third video with all the volunteers in because we will essentially be asking everyone the same questions and this could get boring for a potential volunteer looking at a number of positions.

I think that is all to report for now. Once Taras has chosen a date, we can look into booking rooms for the interview to take place.

It's all getting rather exciting.

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