Thursday, 18 April 2013

Almost There...

We are now half way through April and it's getting to that point where I'm looking back over the year and wondering where the time has gone. We have only a month left at the Palace and it feels like we have been there forever but then hardly there at all at the same time.

However, our projects are still running smoothly. We have now finished all the filming for the Vox Pop Project which means only have the editing to do in order to complete this task. We started this process on Wednesday which we knew was going to take a while. In this sitting we succeeded in getting all the footage from the videos onto a computer so next time we can start to edit. This took a little while longer than anticipated as we had to do it the video's natural playing time. We had one full tape and a little extra which was over an hours worth of footage. This allowed us to see the films which we had made and also allowed to split it into clips. However, there was no sound whilst we were transferring the footage so we had to guess where to do the splits. We have arranged a meeting for next Wednesday afternoon with one of the technical equipment staff so we can be taught how to edit effectively.

The Sensory Trail is also going well; I feel guilty because I haven't seen the progress which has been taking place over the past few weeks due to my trip to Rome and the Easter holidays. However, I understand that much of the digging has now taken place and the area should be ready for the planting if that has not already happened. Over the break, I did some more communicating with the electronics company and we have finally arranged what would be best for our project. I forwarded the email to Amanda so she can actually buy the parts for Ad to put into the posts for us. I feel this is a massive part of the project sorted now and all we have to concentrate on is getting it finished in time to open. It has been decided that the best time for a grand opening would be May half term, this is a little later than originally planned as we now want Ad to do a live demonstration in the grounds to create awareness of the project. However everything is running on time for the new opening date.

Other than the projects, we have to now concentrate on the tasks which need to be completed for the module itself such as the reflective essay and the presentation. Again, we just need to find the time where can plan and present together; the essay should be easier as it is very much individual.